Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Please Vote Or Comment For Inplay Posts

Hello Again,
I started a poll today about inplay posts.That is because i'm not seeing much interest in these posts as there are no inplay comments.Cricket is a lengthy game and we get enough time to make our plan eg. Inning break in Odi,Day plan for Test matches and i requested many time that we must do collective efforts to find 'free lays and good trading opportunities' either inplay or prematch and help each other.And that is not seen so far since start.
So please vote or send comments to whether continue them or just post my P/L after matches.


Anonymous said...

keep up the great work... one great help in trying to learn how 2 trade cricket markets.

Anonymous said...

hi dip,

i read your comments when ever there is a cricket match being played. i love your site and find your comments superb!! keep up the great work, and like you said, i also find international matches easier to follow than county matches. can you tell me what percentage of your betting bank are you prepared to loose on each match, and also what percentage of profit do you try to win?
many thanks